We'll Hold Up the Light!

There's been a lot happen in our world lately. I must confess some days I want to bury my head in the sand and ignore it all.  Checking social media, email and watching the news have become somewhat depressing some days, too. 

I have had so many thoughts for this post. Many of which I am throwing out the window. Many folks have written blogs, tweets, Facebook posts and news articles saying basically the same things or arguing the same points so I've decided to just let that be.

I am just a few short weeks away from welcoming our baby girls into the world. Chloe and Hannah will be here in 3 weeks. (hopefully they stay put that long!) I can't believe it. Time has flown by. I've said to myself and my husband several times, "What are we doing bringing two babies into this crazy world at a time like this?" 

I heard Gloria Gaither say the same thing about having her son Benjy in the late 1960's, too. In fact, it inspired she and Bill to write the beloved classic song "Because He Lives." I'm sure every new parent has thought the same thing or something similar at one time. 

If anything, being on the brink of having my daughters and seeing what all is transpiring in our world, within our government, our churches....I am  more convinced than ever that silence is not the answer.....all of the time. Yes, there are times we need to keep our mouth shut. Sure, I get that and know that perfectly well.  I think we've been told to keep our mouths shut too often in the church and that's our problem. 

I am tired of being bullied by those who differ from my convictions. I am tired of seeing and hearing scripture mis-quoted on social media especially.  I am tired of seeing people make hateful comments to those who disagree with them. I am sick of sin. I am sick of what the devil is doing....I've had enough.

Where we got the idea that disagreeing with someone is the same as hate is ridiculous to me. But our culture somehow has bought into this lie. I, as a conservative christian should not have to sit in the corner and be quiet and allow others who oppose the things of God rally, scream, shout, have parties, parades and make a scene to let their voice be heard. MY voice WILL be heard. 

I travel across the country with my husband, as most of you know, singing, preaching and telling people about the love of Jesus. I love it. I wouldn't want to do anything else. I can't wait to raise my daughters with the same love for the things of God and His church that I was raised in. I am more determined than ever to do that- to be a light. 

Time is short. Jesus is coming. We are in a mess. Sin is running rampant. I am not a gloom, despair and agony kind of person. I love life and I plan to enjoy it. But, I am sickened at what I am seeing transpire. I have two little girls that God is entrusting to my husband and I to nurture, love and protect and I will do just that. 

If there is anything that sums up my heart, this is it.

HOLD UP THE LIGHT (Rebecca J. Peck- Thomas Peck Music)

In the darkness, in the wilderness many hopeless souls are lost. But there's a beacon to guide the wanderer in: it is the power of the cross.

We'll hold up the light. We won't be ashamed to go and tell the world that Jesus Saves. We'll proclaim the truth as long as there is time. We'll hold up the light. Let it brightly shine.

Through the years we see the lives that He's redeemed as the message was made known .So, we'll keep sharing Christ , no matter what the price, till our Savior calls us home

I plan to do just what the song says. Keep sharing Christ. Loving people- even those I disagree with and yes, it can be done! 

And Bill and Gloria had it right all those years ago... it's also still true....."Because He Lives WE can face tomorrow..." 

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