And once again, over a month has passed since I last blogged. I have so many topics and ideas that I want to blog about but they are getting lost in the craziness of my life. I am in Decatur, IL in the midst of a revival. I returned from Florida on Wednesday. I won't be home until the first week of April. Our schedule is full and God is blessing.
While in Florida, I got to see Thad, Katie and Emma, who are more like family then they are friends. It was great. We went to Disney, played a lot, laughed, watched movies and ate great food! I miss my friends and wish we lived closer. Emma is growing up so fast and I miss her terribly.
We are working on our new CD, it's coming along rather slowly....but it's coming! I especially am excited about 2 of the songs! I love the process of recording and arranging, but I want it to be instant and fast! I need to pray for patience.
This is short and I apologize. I have to start getting ready for our 7:00 service. I am expecting God to do great things through us this weekend in Illinois.
I'll have much more to share in the coming days. I am so thankful for my friends and family who have been so encouraging and supportive. God has truly and abundantly blessed me!
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