So much for daylight savings time ending to give me that extra hour of sleep I so desperately need. I am wide awake. What better way to make good use of sleeplessness than to blog? I have so much in me that I want to say. Since it is all scattered, I am going to, once again, highlight some things.
- My Mom had major surgery on Monday (Oct 31st). Praise the Lord she came through it amazingly well and was able to go home Wednesday night. I am in awe at how well she is doing. She is a machine! My Dad and my god-parents, Jim and Phyllis are taking excellent care of her for which I am eternally grateful.
- We are currently in Florida. It is beautiful here. We're at my best friends, Thad and Katie's church in revival and having a blast. We drove 15 hours from Louisville, KY to get here. Needless to say, it was a LONG travel day and both of us are beyond wiped out. But, God is blessing and I am so grateful. My other bff's Jimmy and Liz were in town and came over last night too so it was a big ole party! Seriously, I am so thankful for friends, real friends who love and support us.
- We head home Tuesday for 4 days before heading out again for 3 weeks. So, for the month of November, I'll sleep in my own bed a total of 3 nights. wow!
- as of today, I am now at -40 pounds since July! yay!!! To say I am excited is an understatement. The best part is new clothes!
- And, now for my soapbox (I'll be brief) I am really, really bothered by the attitude of some who claim to be in "full time ministry". I take my calling seriously. It is not a joke to me. It is not a "hey look at me and look at what I do for a living" type of deal. Yes, I have to do a whole lot more than show up looking put together and sing and I usually have plenty to do during the week to keep busy and keep our ministry going. I can take you to the time and place and tell you when I was called. I knew all of my life I would marry a preacher and we would minister together. I knew God called me to minister alongside him long before I married my husband. I can tell you honestly that what we do is much more than standing on a stage and singing and having people applaud you and then buy your CD's. For those that think that's all it is, I suggest you wake up and smell the coffee and get a clue. It's work. It's sometimes thankless. It's tiring. All ministy is- whether you're a pastor, evangelist, missionary, worship pastor,'s not always easy. The call of God often is tough. But, it's the most rewarding. I have never been happier than I am now. I have never felt more in the center of His will. I can see how God prepared me for this time for many, many years. If you think you have a call, be sure it's from God. You may have talent in a certain area but that doesn't mean God wants you to quit your job and get a bus and travel. Keep your heart in check- if you think it's all about you, please go somewhere else. I get so tired of people (pastors and promoters) telling me about how they had "so and so" come to their church and he'/she/they were so self absorbed and had horrible attitudes. It makes me sad. Take the call of God seriously. Honor it. Cherish it. It can be taken from you in an instant. This has been so heavy on my heart for weeks as I've seen some ugly stuff lately.
- It's November and that means Thanksgiving is around the corner. I can't believe it. I am so excited about the holiday season this year! We're spending Thanksgiving in Georgia with my husbands family- my first time ever! I am also excited to go shopping on Black Friday this year with my bff's! For Christmas, we'll be with my family in Illinois and I can not wait. We have many miles to go between now and then, but I am excited.
I really, really have a full and thankful heart. Despite what Satan may want to try to do to steal that, I am armed and ready to give him a black eye! Be blessed, my friends...
Most nights, since the time change, I've got to bed early and wake up early. Tonight is a whole different story....sigh...wish I was asleep, but for some reason find myself wide awake! Thought I'd use the energy to catch up on reading blogs. Enjoyed your post!